Maintaining meaningful personal communications in today's fast-paced and technology intense day can be challenging. Smartphones are everywhere, and a variety of services including Facebook, Twitter, and text messaging make keeping in touch possible using many different methods
Each popular technology provides benefits as well as challenges. With so much information available to us, it's often hard to keep track of some of the messages that are most important. This page provides several ways for Scottish Rite Masons to access social media germane to the craft and establish social networks across the Valley, Orient, and Jurisdiction.
Please avail yourself of these great tools.
NNSR Webmaster
The Scottish Rite Journal
It is the bimonthly magazine for members of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction and is published by the Supreme Council, 33°, SJ, USA in Washington, DC. Click here to access it on the AASR, SJ website. Or you can access via a mobile app.
Scottish Rite Journal App — You can read current and back issues (from Nov. 2014 forward) via the FREE Scottish Rite Journal app for both Apple and Android devices. Just search for “Scottish Rite Journal” in your preferred app store.
Scottish Rite Journal Podcast — Listen to the AASR SJ weekly podcast highlighting articles from past issues of the magazine.
LISTEN NOW via Spreaker
Tyler’s Place Podcast
The Supreme Council, 33°, SJ, presents a monthly podcast series called The Tyler’s Place. The Tyler’s Place is a collection of stories, lessons and interviews by Masons, for Masons, and about Masons. Hosted by Bro. Maynard Edwards, KCCH, each episode offers a variety of topics on Freemasonry, such as: interviews with interesting and inspiring people; historical facts and insights; and tips, tricks, and life-hacks for the modern Mason.
The Tyler’s Place podcasts are short enough (~25 min.) to listen to while you’re driving to work, headed to a lodge meeting, or just relaxing at home.
New episodes generally air around the 15th of each month, but be on the lookout for special segments throughout the year.
To hear the most recent episodes, follow the links above or you can visit The Tyler’s Place on Spreaker to check out both current and past shows.
So you never miss a podcast, please subscribe to the show or download the free Tyler’s Place app from the preferred app store for your device.
Scottish Rite & Blue Lodge “Member-only” Social Sites & Apps
Scottish Rite Members
Dues-current members of the Scottish Rite, SJ, can access the following “members-only” site on the AASR, SJ website. Once logged in, you can access the various features.
Click here to enter the login screen.
Member Resources – Pay Your Dues, Update Your Information, Your Valley, Support
Internal Communications – Operational Documents, Members-only Videos, Social Sharing & Apps
Contact Membership Services
VMAP Forum
Additionally, Scottish Rite members can access these other “members-only” sites or apps. To download these apps, please visit your preferred app store for your device, search by the name below, and follow the steps to complete your account creation and registration.
SR Chirp
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—Southern Jurisdiction has made a new tool available exclusively to Scottish Rite Masons, known as SR Chirp. This is a personal communication and messaging utility which operates as a mobile phone application and is unique to the Scottish Rite.
Maintaining meaningful personal communications in today's fast-paced and technology intense day can be challenging. Smartphones are everywhere, and a variety of services including Facebook, Twitter, and text messaging make keeping in touch possible using many different methods.
This application enables Scottish Rite Masons to quickly and conveniently communicate and interact. Although SR Chirp is similar to text messaging in some ways, because SR Chirp is usable only by Scottish Rite members, it becomes simple to separate communications with brothers from the sometimes overwhelming number of messaging that are part of our personal and business lives.
Please download SR Chirp and be part of the on-line and mobile community. We're looking forward to getting acquainted!
Scottish Rite Freemasonry!
Valleys, Orients and Councils of Deliberations from both the Northern Masonic and Southern Jurisdictions come together to celebrate Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
We are asking Scottish Rite Masons in both jurisdictions to celebrate the Scottish Rite Freemasonry together. Our hope is that you see it as a chance to enjoy a fun, memorable network where you can reach out to and connect with your brothers throughout the two Jurisdictions.
The Freemason Network is a social networking site that allows you to connect with other Freemasons across the world.