
The Knights of St. Andrew


The Knights of St. Andrew is an elite unit of select 32° Scottish Rite Masons. We exist as a service organization on behalf of all members of the Consistory of the Valley of Newport News. We are under the immediate supervision of the Secretary of the Scottish Rite Consistory and provide services for the Valley of Newport News and greater Hampton Roads Area combined Scottish Rite functions. This includes, but not limited to: Aiding the Tilers, acting as greeters, providing escort services for dignitaries, special events created for the ladies during reunions or other functions, serving as guides, assisting the Scottish degree work, exemplifying the 29th degree, assisting with the presentation of the Colors, and Hosting the Ring ceremony for the Spring and Fall Reunions. The Knights of St. Andrew also assist in calling committees, participate in parades or civic activities, promote fund-raising events, and aid in any other special event.

Our flexibility and enthusiasm make the Knights of St. Andrew one of the Valley's most active and desirable organizations. It is an excellent way to nurture and develop future leaders as they learn organizational and leadership skills, explore the inner structures of their Scottish Rite Center, and gain a deeper admiration for our Order and Brethren who work in Freemasonry as a whole.

Brief History

 In June of 2006, Venerable Master David A. Burkus, 32˚, KCCH, of the Lodge of Perfection asked for a volunteer to look into the establishment of a Knights of Saint Andrew Chapter for the Newport News Scottish Rite Valley.  Brother Jesse A. Norman, KCCH volunteered to research the founding and chartering of such a chapter.  On December 22, 2006, a letter was sent to all 32° Newport News Scottish Rite Masons soliciting support for this national service organization within the Scottish Rite. This appeal produced 26 Charter Members.  Our Charter was signed and approved by the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of Virginia Illustrious James D. Cole, 33˚ on March 31, 2007.    

The Valley of Newport News Scottish Rite, Knights of St. Andrew, is a service organization dedicated to the Service of the Newport News Scottish Rite Valley.  Full membership is restricted to 32 ° (Black Hat Masons).  The Knights of St. Andrew generates membership for the Scottish Rite Valley and is limited to 32° Scottish Rite Freemasons. The Chapter abides by its own Constitution and By-Laws, consistent with and subordinate to the By-Laws of the Valley of Newport News Scottish Rite and those approved by the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of Virginia.  

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The Knights of St. Andrew  are identified by their sometimes flamboyant uniform and regalia; often entering special events accompanied by bagpipes and drums, becoming the elite unit of all Scottish Rite Masons. Uniforms and regalia are set forth in the by-laws of the organization and by vote of the members. They are easily recognized by their Glengarry hats and tartan ties.

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